Saturday, May 5, 2012

King2Hearts Episodes 13-14

I really like the rhythm the show has going.  Wednesdays are the lull that provides character development and moves the characters around to where they need to be when the storm hits on Thursdays.  Then Thursdays are punch, punch, punch.  Basically Wednesdays lull you into a false sense of security so that Thursdays can traumatize you  leave you trying to catch your breath for the next week. 

Spoilers after the jump...
  • Oh, Shi-kyung.  Jae-ha’s belief that you are some kind of masta playa will never get old.  And I love that the show remembers its continuity and calls back to earlier jokes.  Speaking of continuity, the games prove that Jae-ha is still Jae-ha even with all the growing up. Nice character consistency by the writer.
  • Jae-ha reveals his first love: a girl that he liked because she was cold to him.  Makes me start to think Hang-ah started winning his heart the first day when she gave him a beat-down in the bathroom.  Jae-ha, that’s so sweet in a twisted way. Sweet, but definitely not NORMAL. So Hang-ah won his love by making it hard for him.  Bong-gu is making him stronger, a better king, by making it hard for him.  Which is interesting because earlier in the series Jae-ha made it clear that he always chooses the easy path.  So growing pains blah blah blah birth of the man blah blah blah.
  • So speaking of the trauma that is the Thursday episodes, you have no idea the horrible things I was yelling at Shi-kyung to do to that assassin when she appeared in front of Jae-shin.  Snatching her up by her ponytail and making her choke on that chocolate is just the beginning.  That chick makes me lose my religion, y’all.
  • At the same time, Mom broke my heart because she was thinking like a mother, not a queen.  She already lost her first-born baby. Mother hen just wants to protect her chicks, honor and justice bedamned.
  • I found the palace story line more interesting than the WOC.  I do want to say that I think the show is overselling the importance of the War Games, particularly the ramifications of the US/Korea match-up.  The implication is that if Unified Korea beats the US the US would cut off military aid?  I guess?   Bong-gu and his aid with the really bad wig talk about South Korea needing the US if there’s war and the Prime Minister is pressuring the King to throw the fight because I guess the US would get butt-hurt if they lose, like it would become an international incident or something?  Honestly, unless it was being filmed for a reality t.v. show I don’t think anyone in the U.S. would care and even then it would be buried on cable on, like, the History Channel. 
  • For me, as a viewer, if I haven’t already been sold on this story line, I’m not going to be.  Upping the ante at this point seems like overkill.  And of course I’m rooting for the Unified Korea team, otherwise how am I going to get my royal wedding? Duh! But, ya know, heightened reality and all.  I mean, the bad guy is a magician.  Whatever.

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