What's Next?
I have one episode left of You're Beautiful. So sad! It's hard to find a drama that delivers so consistently.
At any rate, 3 dramas at a time is just about my max. The King 2 Hearts makes it easy because it's currently running, so that's just two episodes per week. I usually prefer to wait until the entire series is subbed, but it sucked me in with its yummy goodness. That leaves me with My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. I'm loving that drama, but I've reached episode 8. Right around episode 8 tends to be the tipping point for angst in many of the dramas I've seen, so it's nice to have another drama to turn too when the angsting gets to be too much.
This is kind of long, so my choices are behind the jump:
So, here are the contenders:
City Hunter - I've heard great things about this drama, but that could just be setting me up for a fall. I don't always like the same dramas as everyone else, so I don't know if that is enough of a recommendation. It's darker than the other stuff I'm watching, but that could make it an excellent palate cleanser. Plus, there's Lee Min Ho. I'm no fangirl of his, but he did make Boys Over Flowers far more watchable than it would have been otherwise.
Protect The Boss - This is another one I've heard good things about, but I'm not feeling that urgent need to watch from reading the synopsis. Also, the actors are unfamiliar to me based on the dramas I've seen so far.
Flower Boy Ramen Shop - I've heard this is full on hilarious and it's not like I need less laughter in my life.
Shut Up Flower Boy Band (aka Shut Up and Let's Go) - Okay, I'll admit that this one has a bit of an edge over the others. I thought Sung Joon was adorable in Lie To Me (Like Lee Seung Gi he's got an adorable smile. Although his smile does this little curly thing at the edge that makes him look way naughtier than Puppy. **fans self**). Also, I think the music is supposed to be a little more Mary Stayed Out All Night than You're Beautiful, by which I mean more indie than K-pop. Indie works for me, K-pop not so much. Plus, I've heard that the friendship is the main story here rather than the romance, which would be a nice change.
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